
Immortalized as a little six year old girl, Mafalda, the masterpiece created by Quino is now 50 years old. So this is a very special day for journalists, since she was created as an opinion cartoon. So I hope today you learn a little more about the opinion cartoon that was so loved, it had a TV show.

Yes, you read thing right. Mafalda was originally a cartoon meant to be in the opinion section of the argentine publications Primera Plana, El Mundo and Siete Días Ilustrados. The first time the cartoon was published, was in 1964. But 9 years later, in 1973, Quino realized he wouldn’t be able to keep up the cartoon without repeating himself and stopped drawing.

Mafalda was a very intelligent young girl who tended to ask things that were way too complicated for her age. That’s why her father had problems to answer her questions, and, in more than one occasion argued with her about it or even made fun of her without Mafalda knowing. Another cause of arguments between Mafalda and her father is the lack of a TV in their house, which causes some minor problems at school also.


Her relationship with her mother went a lot more smoothly, but there was always an uncommon argument here and there. Soup, for example, was a very sore spot between Mafalda and her mother, who seemed to prepare soup for lunch pretty much every day. Quino obviously had fun with the idea, and there was even one time when Mafalda decided that maybe, if Fidel Castro (former president of Cuba) said that soup tasted good the rest of the countries would think it was bad for health or something and would probably forbid it.

Something that makes Mafalda special as a cartoon is the characters. Each character has its own personality, which is very important for every story in the world. But it is a lot more valuable because we’re speaking of a newspaper cartoon. Mafalda is a very curious girl, thirsty to know about everything that surrounds her. Her mother, is obsessed with cleaning and obviously loves soup. Her father works most of the time, but he loves plants and has a declared war against ants.

I think one of the most impressive things of this cartoon is that, even now, 50 years after it was first published it’s not only funny, but you can also relate it to the things we’re living now worldwide. In fact, I’d say that the world hadn’t needed her more than it needs her now. So I can’t help but feel sad that Quino didn’t keep on drawing what would possibly be my favorite cartoon on earth.


Have a good night guys!

Luna von Schmilinsky

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